Transcript title
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Course Description
Provides an introduction to archaeological method and theory along with a survey of human world prehistory through the rise of great civilizations. In this course we will address questions relevant to the practice of archaeology: What is archaeology? Why do archaeologists dig holes? How do archaeologists know where to dig? What is material culture? How do archaeologists analyze and understand what they find? Topics include archaeological concepts, survey, excavation, analysis and interpretation of data, dating techniques, research methods and theories of cultural change.
Course learning outcomes
1. Describe the basic archaeological skills: how to locate, record, investigate, analyze, and interpret archaeological sites.
2. Think critically and express their thoughts in the field of archaeology through written assignments, class discussions, and reading assignments.
3. Identify and define major archaeological concepts and methods.
4. Explain the formation and nature of the archaeological record.
5. Understand and evaluate the ethical (and to some extent legal) issues surrounding the documentation, preservation, interpretation, and "ownership" of archaeological remains.
6. Analyze details of past important cultures worldwide, describing major transitions in prehistory and how this knowledge is important for modern humans and interpreted differently by different interest groups.
7. Explain how archaeologists recognize and interpret evidence of religion, ideology, political structures and power relationships.
General education/Related instruction lists