ANTH 103 : Cultural Anthropology

Transcript title

Cultural Anthropology



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Provides an introduction to the diversity of human beliefs and behaviors around the world. Explores cross-cultural similarities and differences in systems of values, family, religion, economics, politics, and social structure, including issues of race and ethnicity. The goals of this course are to foster an appreciation of cultural diversity, to use this appreciation to better understand the student's culture(s), and to learn to be active and aware participants of local and global communities.

Course learning outcomes

1. Define the major concepts, terminology, theoretical approaches and methodology of cultural anthropology.
2. Distinguish between different perspectives that contribute to the diversity of local experiences, behaviors, and beliefs.
3. Analyze the ways in which local experiences, practices, and knowledge systems are located within complex socio-economic, historical, political and environmental interactions both locally and globally.
4. Identify systems of power that that operate both locally and globally, and analyze the ways in which people navigate these systems.
5. Explain the importance of accountability in anthropology and appropriately use and cite different kinds of sources of information.

Content outline

  1. Overview of the field including the concept of culture, the history of the discipline, methods of the fieldwork
  2. Production, distribution, and consumption (can include food and subsistence strategies, modes of production, systems of distribution, global economy. Could also include overview of social organization and political structures.)
  3. Symbols and meaning creation (specifically language, but can also include artistic expression)
  4. Kinship and marriage
  5. Gender and sexuality
  6. Social stratification (this section should include some discussion of race and ethnicity but can also include discussions of class and/ or immigration, nationalism, and citizenship)
  7. Religion
  8. Health and illness

Required materials

This course will require a textbook and additional readings.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Social Science
  • Cultural Literacy

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