APR 115 : Carpenter and Exterior/Interior Specialist I

Transcript title

Carpenter Ext/Int Spec I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Course Description

Covers Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) safety standards, industry responsibilities, and professional opportunities. Examines and demonstrates the use of construction trade materials and the use and care of basic hand and power tools. Introduces construction equipment, including forklift safe operation and maintenance.

Course learning outcomes

1. Apply Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) safety standards.
2. Use hand tools, power tools, and construction equipment.
3. Evaluate construction trades opportunities and responsibilities.

Content outline

  1. OSHA 30, orientation, and introduction to the trades, trade terms
  2. Building material, fasteners, and adhesives
  3. Concrete, concrete masonry construction, and steel framing
  4. Handling and storing building material
  5. Calculating lumber, panel, and concrete quantities
  6. Fasteners, anchors, and adhesives
  7. Hand and power tools
  8. Introduction to construction drawing, specifications, and layout

Required materials

Textbook is required.

Outside of

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