Transcript title
Exterior/Interior Spec X
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Lab hours
APR 217E.
Course Description
Provides extensive coverage of the materials and techniques used in finishing wood staircases. Covers all phases of interior renovation – planning, estimating, layout, and scheduling.
Course learning outcomes
1. Install intermediate to advanced stairways and systems.
2. Describe considerations and work-process for interior renovation.
3. Meet or exceed all building codes.
Content outline
- Stairways and stair systems, wood, metal, concrete, closed to open, open/closed, tread types, prefabricated, elliptical, railings, landings
- Interior renovation, planning, estimating, layout, scheduling, installation to match existing finishes, tie-in of existing and new structural elements
- Building codes and permits for renovation or demolition
Required materials
Textbook is required.