APR 226 : Turbine Operator 4 - Electrical Theory

Transcript title

Turbine 4 - Electrical Theory



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

The course content will include electrical theory, AC and DC electrical machines, transformers and rectifiers, steam turbine theory, construction of steam turbines, and steam turbine and condenser operation and maintenance.

Course learning outcomes

1. Student will demonstrate an understanding of electrical theory, AC and DC motors and generators, transformers, and rectifiers.
2. Student will demonstrate an understanding of steam turbine theory, the construction of different classifications of steam turbines.
3. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the operating and maintenance principles of steam turbines, condensers, air removal equipment and all auxiliaries associated with steam turbines.
4. Student will demonstrate the ability to safely and efficiently operate a steam power plant under routine and emergency conditions.

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