ART 157 : Metal Arts: Basic Techniques

Transcript title

Metal Arts: Basic Techniques



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Introduces basic hand-tool knowledge, soldering, and fabrication of metalworking, adornment, and vessels. Covers historical and contemporary art, jewelry, and metal smithing. Repeatable for credit.

Course learning outcomes

1. Design and render metal arts safely.
2. Apply skills necessary to effectively create jewelry and small metal sculpture.
3. Employ basic techniques to manipulate nonferrous metals.
4. Use media-specific terminology to receive and provide feedback.

Content outline

  1. Strategies for developing basic metal art
  2. Basic methods of soldering and cold connections
  3. Basic methods of forging, hand-building, and construction
  4. Functional (jewelry) and non-functional (sculpture) forms
  5. Historical and contemporary perspectives: metals
  6. Constructive critiques: receiving and giving feedback between instructor and classmates

Required materials

Students will need to provide specific materials used in this course, please see the syllabus for a detailed list.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

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