Transcript title
Computerized Engine Controls
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Lab hours
AUT 205.
Course Description
Studies advanced electrical systems found on late-model vehicles. Provides solid understanding of computerized automotive engine control systems and how they operate and the ability to diagnose, troubleshoot and repair computerized engine control systems.
Course learning outcomes
1. Perform a thorough pre-diagnostic engine inspection.
2. Analyze vehicle performance with the On Board Diagnostic Systems.
3. Measure parameters of all input and output devises used within a computerized engine control system.
4. Analyze, diagnose, and repair computer-controlled engine systems using frequency, pulse width, voltage, resistance, current, and duty cycle to interpret engine control systems in relationship to time; engine speed; and air temperature, pressure, and volume.
5. Demonstrate safety standards in all work within and automotive shop environment and specifically with computer controls.
Content outline
- A review of electricity and electronics
- Computers on cars
- Common components for computerized control systems
- Common operating principles for computerized electronic stability control (ECS)
- Diagnostic concepts and diagnostic equipment
- Exhaust gas analysis
- Understanding on-board diagnostics (OBD-II)
- Multiplexing concepts
- Hybrid and electric vehicles
- Modern systems
- Approach to diagnostics
- General motors electronic engine controls
- Ford’s electronic engine controls
- Chrysler corporation fuel injection systems
- Bosch engine control systems
- Asian computer control systems
Required materials
Requires textbook and special gear; see syllabus for details.