AV 110 : Private Pilot - Airplane

Transcript title

Private Pilot - Airplane



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

MTH 060 or higher or minimum placement Math Level 10.

Course Description

Provides initial ground instruction in aeronautical skills and knowledge for the FAA Private Pilot certificate. Involves an introduction to fundamentals of flight, aerodynamics, flight operations, airspace, weather and weather products, flight planning, decision-making, human factors, human factors in aviation, and crew resource management. Comprehensive course that prepares student for the FAA Private Pilot airman knowledge written exam.

Course learning outcomes

1. Develop understanding of fundamental concepts of airplane powered flight.
2. Understand the aircraft power-plant, aircraft systems, and flight instruments.
3. Understand essential aeronautical and aerodynamic concepts.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of basic weather theory, weather forecasting, and weather products available to the pilot.
5. Develop fundamental knowledge of aircraft performance.
6. Demonstrate the basic tasks of navigation and flight planning.
7. Demonstrate familiarity with aviation charts, airfield directories, and other aviation publications.
8. Develop comprehension of the flight environment, airport operations, safety of flight, and human factors in aviation.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
10. Apply flight concepts to pilot training, and have the knowledge to operate safely in today’s complex flight environment.
11. Demonstrate preparedness for FAA Private Pilot exam.
12. Demonstrate preparedness for the FAA Private Pilot ground evaluation.

Content outline

  • Flight Lab Process
  • Aeronautical Decision Making
  • Fitness for Flight
  • Flight Instruments
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Aerodynamics
  • Airport Operations Communication
  • Aircraft Performance
  • Weight and Balance
  • Weather Theory
  • Weather Charts and Services
  • Navigation - Pilotage Sectional Charts, VOR and GPS, Dead Reckoning, Flight Planning

Required materials

Requires textbook and/or online learning materials, and additional equipment.

Outside of

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