AV 117 : Helicopter Fundamentals

Transcript title

Helicopter Fundamentals



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

MTH 060 or higher or minimum placement Math Level 10.

Course Description

This course covers fundamentals of helicopter flight, flight operations, helicopter performance, navigation, helicopter systems, aeronautical publications, helicopter flight maneuvers, flight planning, radio procedures, meteorology, and human factors.

Course learning outcomes

1. Recognize fundamental concepts of helicopters and powered flight.
2. Recall basic function of helicopter engines, helicopter systems and flight instruments.
3. Identify the essential aeronautical and aerodynamic concepts of helicopter flight.
4. Demonstrate the fundamentals of helicopter performance and flight planning.

Content outline

  • Helicopter Flight Controls
  • Helicopter Systems
  • Aerodynamics
  • Flight Manual
  • Weight and Balance
  • Ground Procedures
  • Flight Preparation
  • Basic Flight Maneuvers
  • Helicopter Emergencies and Hazards
  • Aeronautical Decision Making

Required materials

Requires textbook and/or online learning materials.

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