AV 201 : Airport Management

Transcript title

Airport Management



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

This course is a study of the development of airports and the functions and responsibilities of airport management. This course provides an historical background and studies the roles of various governmental agencies in the management and regulation of airports.

Course learning outcomes

1. Demonstrate an understanding of how airports developed in the United States.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of wide-body aircraft and the 1978 Airport Deregulation Act on both the landside and airside of existing airports.
3. Describe the key elements and components of an airport including tenant and community relations program.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the various governmental units in planning and development of airports.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of major elements in the process of planning and managing airports.
6. Describe the general requirements of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) that pertain to airport management.
7. Enumerate the elements used to compute runway acceptance rates.

Content outline

  • Historical and Legislative Perspective of Airports
  • Economic, Political, and Social Role of Airports
  • Airspace and Air Traffic Management
  • Airport Ops Management
  • Airfield Design and Planning
  • Airport Capacity
  • Airport Terminals
  • Airport Security

Required materials

Requires textbook and/or online learning materials.

Outside of

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