AV 273 : Unmanned Aerial Sys Ops Maint

Transcript title

Unmanned Aerial Sys Ops Maint



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



AV 272.

Recommended preparation

AV 271.

Course Description

Progression to higher level simulation and mission planning/ execution. Includes a transition from the classroom setting to field operations for actual launches, recoveries, and maintenance of Unmanned Aerial Systems.

Course learning outcomes

1. Plan and execute Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) mission including programming of actual UAS.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of industry level UAS training and operations.
3. Demonstrate proficiency in simulated and actual launch recovery.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in response to emergency procedures.
5. Demonstrate field level troubleshooting maintenance knowledge in response to vehicle malfunctions.

Content outline

Review of ICOMC2 Outdoor Flight Mapping Project RGB Emergency Procedures Real Estate Videography and Photography Flight Survey Introduction (Data Collection) Outdoor Flight Survey Complier Training Payload Operations Outdoor Flight Research Data Operations Communications Mapping Projects Resume and Cover Letter Outdoor Flight Testing Video Resume

Required materials

No required materials.

Outside of

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