BA 178 : Customer Service

Transcript title

Customer Service



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Introduces principles of effective customer service. Learn to develop and implement customer service strategies using systems, technologies, and communication skills to serve diverse customer needs. By evaluating elements of customer service culture and delivery, students will understand standards of service excellence, causes of service breakdowns, and service recovery techniques.

Course learning outcomes

1. Analyze the elements of a customer service-focused organizational culture and develop strategies to implement that culture.
2. Explain the communication process and demonstrate effective verbal, non-verbal, and listening skills.
3. Interpret customer behavioral styles and adapt service delivery to each individual customer.
4. Examine the specialized needs of diverse customers and prepare to treat all customers with empathy and respect.
5. Describe communication techniques that result in effective customer service in a technology-mediated environment (phone, email, etcetera).
6. Examine the causes of service breakdown and apply service recovery techniques.
7. Evaluate customer service performance using tools such as mystery shoppers and checklists.

Content outline

  • Introduction/Background
  • Creating a Service Culture in Organizations
  • Verbal Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication
  • Listening to the Customer
  • Customer Behavioral Styles
  • Service Breakdowns and Recovery Techniques
  • Customer Service in a Diverse World
  • Customer Communications via Technology
  • Building Customer Relationships

Required materials

Required textbook.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Human Relations

Outside of

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