BAK 110 : Baking and Pastry Foundations I

Transcript title

Baking Pastry Foundations I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Prerequisites with concurrency

CUL 102 and CUL 104.

Course Description

Learn about the baking industry, nomenclature, equipment, kitchen operations, knife skills, baking techniques, science, ratios, and standardized recipes. Covers how to produce fruit desserts; cookies; meringues; pate a choux and basic custards.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify and select ingredients for use in a variety of baked products.
2. Apply standards of professionalism to the baking industry.
3. Examine and outline the major developments in the history of the baking industry.
4. Describe and apply the function of ingredients in the baking process.
5. Explain the use of formula, standardization, and baker’s percentage as it relates to the baking process.
6. Prepare a variety of baked products using creaming, sponge, muffin and basic custard and pastry techniques.
7. Describe and operate equipment typical to the baking process.

Content outline

  1. Course Introduction and the baking profession
  2. Food safety and Equipment I.D./ knife care and use
  3. Ingredient identification
  4. Scaling, volume and weight, thermometer care and use
  5. Fruit and fruit products: basic knife cuts
  6. Grains and flours: wheat
  7. Alternative grains and flours
  8. Sugar and other sweeteners
  9. Eggs and egg products
  10. Leaving agents and altitutde
  11. Creaming and snading method
  12. Muffin and biscuit method
  13. Chocolate and cocoa products
  14. Thickening agents
  15. Eggs and custards
  16. Dairy and dairy products
  17. Flavoring and spices
  18. Practical exam
  19. Final exam

Required materials

Requires pastry kit and Cascade Culinary Institute uniform available at the campus bookstore.

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