BAK 225 : Entremets

Transcript title




Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



BAK 140 or CUL 140.

Recommended preparation

BAK 180.

Course Description

Learn principles and techniques of creating entremets. Lecture and lab topics include: the history of entremets, European design, technique, and assembly. Utilize a variety of techniques to create layers of flavor and texture while incorporating multiple finishing and decorating styles. Apply traditional and modern applications of glazing, and sugar and chocolate decor.

Course learning outcomes

1. Create a variety of entremets, utilizing broad range of techniques.
2. Evaluate the quality and presentations of cakes/entremets.
3. Identify the basic elements of entremets.
4. Demonstrate the ability to utilize a variety of garnishing and finishing techniques.

Content outline

  • Entremet basics
  • Verrines
  • Petit Gateau
  • L'Exotique
  • Coffee and doughnuts
  • Victoria Entremet
  • Frozen Entremet
  • Fruit Entremet

Required materials

Requires textbook and baking and pastry tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

Outside of

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