BAK 250 : Petit Fours, Candies and Classical Mignardise

Transcript title

Petit Fours Candies Mignardise



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



CUL 110 or BAK 110.

Course Description

Make individual mini French pastries and petit fours such as éclairs, fruit tartelettes, macarons, and madeleines. Practice French pastry elements such as pastry cream, buttercream, glazes, cream-based, fruit-based, and chocolate-based fillings, and doughs. Create petit fours displays; make sugar confectioneries such as pâté de fruit, guimauve, praline, caramels, nougats, lollipops, and gummies. Learn how to package and display candies.

Course learning outcomes

1. Make individual mini French pasties, such as éclairs, fruit and lemon tartlettes, macaroons, and madeleines.
2. Create elements for filling using chocolate, fruit, pastry cream, and glazes.
3. Plan and construct a display of petit fours and mignardise.
4. Explain the science of sugar and what happens at various stages of the cooking and cooling process.
5. Describe and produce sugar confections, such as fruit paste, guimauve, praline, caramels, nougats, and lollipops.
6. Demonstrate the correct packing and displaying of candies.

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