BI 120 : Introduction to the Human Body

Transcript title

Intro to the Human Body



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Course Description

Provides an introduction to how the human body works, including organs, the major body systems, and foundational information about diseases and disorders. Labs offer students hands-on learning with anatomical models, animals tissues, and human cadavers. This course is intended for non-biological science majors.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify and describe structures and functions of normal body systems.
2. Recognize and explain the interrelationships between and within systems of the human body.
3. Connect anatomy and physiology knowledge to practical applications.
4. Describe normal homeostatic mechanisms of the body and how disruptions in homeostasis lead to disease.

Content outline

  1. Intro to human body and organization, intro to cells and tissues
  2. Integumentary system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  3. Skeletal system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  4. Skeletal muscle, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  5. Nervous system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  6. Endocrine system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  7. Cardiovascular system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  8. Lymphatic and immune systems, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  9. Respiratory system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  10. Digestive system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  11. Urinary system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications
  12. Reproductive system, diseases/disorders of system, connect to practical applications

Required materials

Textbooks and materials will vary per instructor.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Science Lab

Outside of

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