Transcript title
Information Systems Analysis
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
Other hours
Recommended preparation
(CIS 120 or CIS 124) and CIS 131.
Course Description
Provides broad overview of the skills necessary for a systems analyst, consultant or project manager to work as an independent contractor or as part of an IT department. Topics include information systems concepts and tools, goal setting, project management, working in teams, documentation and communication.
Course learning outcomes
1. Plan information systems using several methodologies.
2. Analyze modeling requirements, data flow, and objects.
3. Design user interface designs and system architecture.
4. Manage systems implementation.
5. Manage systems support and security.
Content outline
- information systems methodologies
- modeling
- user interfaces
- implementing new systems
- systems support and security
Required materials
Students will need regular and reliable access to the Internet.