CJ 203 : Critical Incident Management for Criminal Justice Professionals

Transcript title

Critical Incident Mgmt for CJ



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Provides an introduction to concepts of critical incident management for criminal justice professionals including: crisis intervention, building crisis intervention skills and evaluation of personal coping skills and emotional reactions.

Course learning outcomes

1. Practice basic crisis intervention and communication skills.
2. Identify potential critical incident flags for people in crisis.
3. Self-assess stress levels and practice self-coping strategies in response to personal and professional stress in the criminal justice profession.
4. Examine personal biases in respect to dealing with human diversity.
5. Identify common signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and basic intervention tactics for criminal justice professionals.

Content outline

  1. Introduction, expectations and defining crisis
  2. Stress management
  4. Keeping the balance - coping strategies
  5. Violent encounters - responding to people in crisis
  6. Domestic violence
  7. Tactical communication
  8. Stress first aid
  9. Character
  10. Fear

Required materials

May require a textbook.

Outside of

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