CJ 204 : Controversies in Criminal Justice

Transcript title

Controversies Criminal Justice



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Defines, describes and evaluates the crises and conflicts which face law enforcement agencies today. Includes use of force, police pursuits, recruitment, and the death penalty.

Course learning outcomes

1. Summarize major controversial issues confronting the relationship between society, the individual, and the criminal justice system.
2. Explain the history and evolution of the criminal justice system and how that evolution continues to affect controversial policies today and in the future.
3. Analyze real-world scenarios that confront criminal justice practitioners to exercise and expand their ability to integrate various points of view, expectations, and obligations in their decision-making process.
4. Describe the importance of criminal justice policy and how those policies can positively or negatively impact social values including equality and justice.
5. Explain individual and ideological disparity in values, opinions, and beliefs due to the variety of social, cultural, religious, and moral viewpoints of the communities served by the criminal justice system.
6. Differentiate between emotional and logical argument and identify the hallmarks of critical and non-critical thinking in consideration of public policy issues.
7. Consider the positive and negative impacts of media and cultural influences upon the public discourse of controversial criminal justice issues.

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