COMM 219 : Small Group Communication

Transcript title

Small Group Communication



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Provides theory and practice in teamwork, leadership, and conflict management through participation in small group situations. The emphasis will be on task-oriented, decision-making groups like those found in various workplaces.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the transactional model of communication and describe how messages may be sent and received at both conscious and unconscious levels.
2. Describe the behaviors and attitudes used by the competent communicator who adapts appropriately to various workplace, professional, and personal contexts, other people with diverse perspectives and experiences, and the communicator's goals.
3. Explain and analyze the differences between a "me" orientation and a "we" orientation to problem-solving.
4. Recognize the cyclical nature of team development and create appropriately negotiated norms for team maintenance and performance enhancement.
5. Recognize and describe roles necessary for task performance and team maintenance, including the role of leader.
6. Analyze and report on the communication skills needed for managing conflict and tension in diverse teams.

Content outline

  1. Communication competence
    1. Ethics
    2. Skills
    3. Sensitivity towards diverse perspectives and backgrounds
    4. Knowledge
    5. Commitment
  2. Definition of group
    1. Interdependence
    2. Common goal
    3. Three or more
  3. Phases of group development
    1. Forming
    2. Storming
    3. Norming
    4. Performing
  4. Roles and leadership in groups
    1. Task
    2. Maintenance
    3. Disruptive
  5. Effective group management
    1. Inclusive and supportive group climate
    2. Goal setting
    3. Trust
    4. Decision-making methods
  6. Critical thinking in groups
    1. Claim
    2. Evidence
    3. Research
    4. Inferences
    5. Fallacies
    6. Standard agenda
  7. Conflict management
    1. Conflict styles
    2. Positional bargaining
    3. Principled negotiation
  8. Anger management

Required materials

Traditional course materials: Text, paper, pens, some presentational media.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Human Relations
  • Oral Communication

Outside of

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