COMM 241 : Media, Communication, Society

Transcript title

Media, Communication, Society



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Analyzes the social and cultural impact of media, including broadcast, print, film and digital communication. Examines careers in selected areas of media.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify and explain major innovations in media and describe the impact of these innovations on world culture.
2. Evaluate the impact of advertising on the content of media.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of current copyright laws and fair use guidelines for their own media productions.
4. Identify and explain different business models used internationally to support and disseminate journalism.
5. Identify major figures in the history of media and their contributions to our use or understanding of communication.
6. Evaluate media content from a variety of perspectives, including perspectives that are sensitive to race, class, ability, age, nationality, gender-identity, or sexual orientation, etc.
7. Evaluate and fact-check news media.

Content outline

  1. Media Definitions
  2. Media Scope
    1. Personal
    2. Mass
    3. Social
  3. Types/Convergence
    1. Print
    2. Audio
    3. Motion Pictures
    4. Digital
  4. Media Evolution Theory (Ong)
    1. Word as Event
    2. Word as Object
  5. History of Media (worldwide)
    1. Visual Art
    2. Writing-pictographic
    3. Writing-alphabetic
    4. Scroll
    5. Codex
    6. Broadsides
    7. Printing
    8. Books
    9. Newspapers
    10. Telegraph
    11. Telephone
    12. Audio Recording i. Gramaphone ii. Phonograph iii. Magnetic Media iv. Digital
    13. Photography
      1. Film
      2. Digital
    14. Motion Pictures
      1. Studio
      2. Distribution
      3. Film
      4. Digital
    15. Radio
      1. Analogue (Marconi/de Forest)
      2. Digital
      3. Hybrid
    16. Television/Video
      1. Terrestrial Broadcast
      2. Cable
      3. Satellite
      4. Internet
    17. Digital Media
      1. Forms of Encryption
      2. Digital Rights Management
    18. Web Based Media
      1. Streaming vs. Ownership
      2. Dark Web
  6. History of Media (United States)
    1. Colonial Press
    2. Books
    3. Newspapers
    4. Post Office
    5. Metropolitan Press
    6. Penny Press
    7. Telegraph
    8. Associated Press
    9. Radio
    10. Federal Radio Commission
    11. Television
    12. Federal Communications Commission
  7. Issues in US Media
    1. Public vs. Private
    2. Centralized vs. Local
    3. Entertainment vs. Journalism
    4. Diversity of Reporters/Editors/Owners
    5. Regulation vs. Unregulated
    6. Students as Consumers of Media vs Students as Producers of Media
    7. Fair Use Guidelines vs. Copyright Law

Required materials

Course textbooks, traditional school media (pens, pencils, paper).

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Cultural Literacy
  • Arts and Letters

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