DA 150 : Intro to Dental Office Management
Transcript title
Intro to Dental Office Manage
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Lecture hours
DA 131, DA 160, DA 182, DA 191.
Course Description
Covers key competencies related to office practices and administrative responsibilities of the dental assistant as identified by the American Dental Association. Covers dental record preparation and maintenance, applicable computer applications, legal issues, general office management principles and professionalism in the dental office. Provides related instruction in computation. Teaches cover letter and resume writing, interviewing skills and HIPAA regulations. See DA 131 for third term Dental Assisting program prerequisites.
Course learning outcomes
1. Basic format options for writing letters
2. Good grammar and punctuation
3. How to write a cover letter
4. Writing a resume’ for yourself
5. Patient communication objectives and modes
6. Appropriate staff communication skills
7. Team approach to dental treatment acceptance and satisfaction
8. Responsibilities of front office staff
9. Scheduling patients and managing the schedule book
10. Legal and ethical issues in the dental office
11. Minimizing litigation risk in the dental practice
12. Modalities used for filing patient charts and office records
13. Accounts receivable and accounts payable bookkeeping
14. Account collections and payment plan options
15. Types of dental insurance plans
16. Various recall systems and their management in dental practices
17. The balancing of an office check register
18. Calculating patient balances on the patient ledger card
19. HIPPA regulations and their application in dentistry