DSGN 140 : 3D Modeling I

Transcript title

3D Modeling I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Surveys the essential tools and techniques needed for creating professional 3D models, technical drawings, product renderings, and 3D prints using industry-standard computer-aided design (CAD) software. Offers a comprehensive insight into the 3D modeling process, ensuring that students acquire skills crucial for effective communication in the global design industry. Emphasizes practical application of creative ideas into tangible products. Repeatable for credit.

Course learning outcomes

1. Use computer-aided design software to design and render products.
2. Develop precise technical drawings that allow for clear communication with engineers and fabricators.
3. Create impactful presentations for effectively communicating design concepts to clients.
4. Generate accurate 3D models tailored for 3D printing.

Content outline

  1. The Evolution of CAD: Explore the rich history and evolution of computer-aided design and drafting.
  2. Mastery of 3D Models: Delve into the techniques of designing intricate 3D models.
  3. Product Rendering Techniques: Learn to render products with realism and precision.
  4. Crafting Technical Drawings: Gain expertise in generating technical drawings for engineering and fabrication purposes.
  5. 3D Printing Preparation: Understand the nuances of preparing 3D models for successful 3D printing.
  6. Bringing Designs to Life: Experience the process of 3D printing and transforming digital designs into physical products.

Required materials

Students will need to provide specific materials used in this course; please see the syllabus for a detailed list.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

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