DSGN 202 : User Interface Design (UI)

Transcript title

UI Design



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



ART 141 and DSGN 104.

Recommended preparation

DSGN 203.

Course Description

Introduces professional techniques for generating UI designs and workflows for a design. Covers visual and workflow problem solving and the process of creating component libraries, screen layouts, and using industry standard software to create a design. Repeatable for credit.

Course learning outcomes

1. Create low-fidelity prototyping to test functionality of a design.
2. Create mid-fidelity prototyping to test interactivity of a design.
3. Apply principles of design to high-fidelity prototyping to test realistic user interactions with design.
4. Use UX-specific terminology to analyze work and receive and provide feedback.

Content outline

  1. Paper Prototyping
  2. Screen layouts and component libraries
  3. User Onboarding
  4. Rapid Prototyping
  5. Wireframes and Clickable Prototypes 
  6. Constructive critique, giving, and receiving feedback between instructor and classmates

Required materials

Students will need to provide specific materials used in this course; please see the syllabus for a detailed list.  

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