ED 112 : Children's Lit & Curriculum

Transcript title

Children's Lit Curriculum



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

This course provides an overview of children's literature across the early childhood curriculum (preschool-primary grades) from a curricular perspective. Different genres of children's literature will be examined as it relates to curricular areas: literacy, math, science, history, health, movement, music, and the arts. This course is recommended for early childhood and education majors. This course will address the importance of literacy acquisition of young children (preschool through the primary grades) and how children's literature can support co-curricular standards, goal, and objectives.

Course learning outcomes

1. Evaluate the history of children’s literature as a context for promotion of cultural and educational values for children.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of major theories of literacy acquisition and the role of children’s literature in supporting this development.
3. Build and apply knowledge of a wide variety of children’s literature, across different genres and applications, including fiction, nonfiction, and multicultural texts.
4. Understand the stylistic conventions and collaboration between authors and illustrators to meet the developmental needs and interest of young readers.
5. Expand knowledge of common curricular content areas in early childhood programs and the primary grades.
6. Investigate Oregon’s Early Learning Standards and Common Core State Standards in the elementary setting.
7. Analyze and synthesize children’s literature and develop appropriate applications to early childhood curricular content areas.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

Outside of

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