ED 141 : Youth Mentoring and Advocacy

Transcript title

Youth Mentoring Advocacy



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Other hours


Recommended preparation

Prior experience volunteering or working with youth.

Course Description

Provides the opportunity to develop leadership, supervisory, and mentoring skills by participating in youth advocacy civic engagement through community service projects and volunteer roles (field placement). Topics include creating safe, engaging, and developmentally appropriate activities, team work, communication techniques, group dynamics, project management, organization and evaluation. Appropriate for those interested in supporting youth both in and out school settings, including after-school programs and specialized areas of focus, including: creative arts, recreation, academic support, and enrichment.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain theories of learning and development, including education psychology, which relate to learning in environments outside of school settings.
2. Apply theories of learning to design and implement developmentally appropriate activities in settings outside of school.
3. Examine diverse forms of educational leadership and levels of professional participation in the field of education.
4. Investigate the role of non-traditional programming, such as experiential education, in a holistic approach to lifelong learning.
5.Demonstrate communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills necessary to foster engagement with youth in diverse settings.
6. Research issues related to youth development, learning, and participation.

Content outline

  1. Defining the role of education and how school and out-of-school based programs encompass shared and unique goals for learning, development, and engagement.
  2. Apply theories of learning and development to include programs outside of school.
  3. Define and explore models of educational leadership and advocacy for children.
  4. Applying theories and practices to investigate critical topics in youth development
  5. Understanding levels of professional leadership and advocacy: getting started, and moving forward with confidence.

Required materials

This course requires a textbook and field-placement related costs.

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