ED 173 : Movement, Music and the Arts in Early Childhood Education

Transcript title

Movement, Music Arts in ECE



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Other hours


Recommended preparation

ED 140.

Course Description

Introduces physical education, rhythmic activities, visual arts, and performing arts in the early childhood years. Covers basic motor skills and artistic processes, from a developmental perspective. Three hours of supervised weekly field placement required.

Course learning outcomes

1. Develop a philosophy on movement, music and visual arts development in ECE.
2. Consider the role of creative thinking in the early years and the connections among diverse content areas, including math, science, literacy, and social science.
3. Design an activity that supports movement, music, and visual arts development in ECE.
4. Demonstrate effective lesson planning to teach children in an ECE setting topics related to movement, music, and visual arts development.
5. Demonstrate ability to identify and analyze activities designed to teach movement, music, and visual arts in ECE settings.

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