ED 265 : Children at Risk

Transcript title

Children at Risk



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Issues of child abuse are presented from the multidisciplinary perspectives of education, criminal justice and psychology. Topics covered include definition and prevalence of child abuse, lifelong effects, prevention, identification and intervention. The course will focus on biopsychosocial outcomes and education concerns, as well as legal processes and implications from criminal justice.

Course learning outcomes

1. Understand the definition of child abuse and its prevalence in our society.
2. Explore the developmental, social, and cultural conditions that indicate children’s vulnerability to child abuse.
3. Develop an understanding of the interrelatedness of programs serving children (such as educational settings) and the legal system.
4. Have knowledge about the definition and process of mandatory reporting.
5. Explore the developmental implications for children at risk for child abuse, including neurological consequences leading to maladaptive behavior in adolescence and adulthood.
6. Recognize the physical signs and symptoms of child abuse.
7. Develop an understanding of the different characteristics of child sexual predators and their victims.
8. Understand the role of law enforcement personnel in child abuse investigations.
9. Explore the Oregon Laws and Statutes as they relate to crimes against children.

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