EMT 290 : Paramedic Part I

Transcript title

Paramedic Part I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



EMT 280CF.

Course Description

First term of a three-term Didactic Series, including EMT 292 and EMT 294. Focuses on patient assessment; airway/ventilation; pathophysiology of shock; general pharmacology; and respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, behavioral, and acute abdominal emergencies. Lab setting will begin the process of students' learning of required skills needed of a paramedic, such as IV establishment, medication administration, and patient assessments for a variety of patient presentations.

Course learning outcomes

1. Describe the roles and responsibilities of a paramedic within an emergency medical services system.
2. Apply the basic concepts of development, pathophysiology, and pharmacology to assessment and management of emergency patients.
3. Properly administer medications and communicate effectively with patients in scenarios and lab settings.
4. Establish and/ or maintain a patent airway, oxygenate, and ventilate a patient in a lab setting.
5. Describe and demonstrate the steps to take a proper history and perform a comprehensive physical exam on any patient and communicate the findings to others through scenarios and in lab settings.
6. Describe the process to integrate pathophysiological principles and assessment findings to formulate a field impression and implement the treatment plan for: the trauma patient; the medical patient; the neonatal, pediatric, geriatric patients; diverse patients; chronically ill patients; and for patients with common complaints.
7. Demonstrate the ability to safely manage the scene of an emergency in a scenario and lab setting.

Content outline

  • Introduction to Paramedic
  • EMS Systems
  • Role/Responsibilities
  • BLS History Taking
  • BLS Airway/King Airway
  • Long Bone/Traction
  • Fracture Immobilization
  • IV, IO, IM Injections/Live
  • Portfolio Stations/C-Spine
  • KED
  • Sager Splint
  • Bleeding Control
  • Vascular Access
  • LIVE IV Starts
  • Introduction to ACLS Medication
  • Cardiology
  • Airway Management and Ventilation
  • ECG Rhythms
  • Mega Code Practice
  • Airway Practice and Testing
  • Cancer Prevention in Fire Service
  • Emergency Pharmacology
  • FCSN Material/PPT
  • Pulmonology Medical Math and Med. Admin.
  • Patient Scenarios
  • ECG and 12 Lead
  • Blood-borne Pathogens
  • Advanced Airway
  • King-vision
  • Quick-trach
  • Airway Management
  • Cardiac Arrest Simulations
  • Workforce Safety
  • EMS Research
  • Public Health Lead
  • ECG Review
  • Portfolio Stations
  • Medical Legal
  • Ethics in EMS
  • Communications and Documentation
  • Intubation
  • CPAP
  • Nebuilizers
  • POLST Review
  • Static Cardiology
  • Dynamic Cardiology

Required materials

Textbooks and a workbook are required.

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