Transcript title
Pediatric Adv Life Support
Grading mode
Standard letter grades
Total contact hours
Other hours
department approval.
Course Description
In the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) course, you will reinforce and enhance your skills in the treatment of pediatric arrest and periarrest through active participation in a series of simulated pediatric emergencies. These simulations are designed to reinforce the important concepts of systematic approach to pediatric assessment, basic life support, PALS treatment algorithms, and effective resuscitation team dynamics. After successful completion of course, students will receive an AHA PALS card. The goal of the PALS course is to improve the quality of care provided to seriously ill or injured children, resulting in improved outcomes.
Course learning outcomes
1. Identify and treat of problems that place child at risk for cardiac arrest.
2. Apply a systematic approach to pediatric assessment.
3. Apply of the “evaluate-identify-intervene” sequence.
4. Apply of PALS algorithms and flowcharts.
5. Demonstrate effective resuscitation team dynamics.