ENG 104Z : Introduction to Fiction

Transcript title

Introduction to Fiction



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

WR 121Z.

Course Description

The study of fiction invites us to enter imaginative narratives and confront the challenges of being human. English 104Z provides opportunities for the appreciation of fiction, including deeper awareness of craft and insight into how reading fiction can lead to self-enrichment. Students read a variety of types of fiction, from diverse perspectives and eras, and develop their skills in discussion, literary analysis, and critical thinking.

Course learning outcomes

1. Articulate how culture and context shape literary texts and how literature contributes to understandings of ourselves and the world.
2. Identify how literary devices and various formal elements contribute meaning to a text.
3. Build interpretations based on relevant evidence.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

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