ENG 232C : Topics in American Literature: Contemporary Fiction

Transcript title

Amer Lit: Contemporary Fiction



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

WR 121Z.

Course Description

In-depth study of several works of contemporary (late 20th/21st century) American fiction.

Course learning outcomes

1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the varieties of contemporary fiction in terms of style and theme.
2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basic elements of fiction and how an individual work can be interpreted by examining it terms of those elements.
3. Students will analyze the significance of aesthetic, historical and cultural contexts in contemporary fiction.
4. Students will apply a range of reading strategies to analyze and interpret a variety of literary texts within their historical and literary contexts.
5. Students will apply a range of reading strategies to analyze and interpret a variety of literary texts within their historical and literary contexts.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Arts and Letters

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