ES 211 : Introduction to Native American Studies

Transcript title

Intro Native Amer Studies



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Recommended preparation

ES 101.

Course Description

Provides an introduction to the history, social organization, political experience, and artistic expression of indigenous peoples of the western hemisphere, focusing primarily on American Indians. Explores the various historical and contemporary struggles, concerns, and achievements of American Indians using an interdisciplinary approach. Prioritizes the voices of those within Indian communities in describing their own lives and experiences.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify the diverse cultural and political groups indigenous to North America.
2. Discuss the history of European encroachment in the Americas and explain with specific examples the effects of colonialism on Indigenous populations both historically and into the present.
3. Trace historical representations, constructions and uses of “the Native” and discuss the ways that Native peoples have contested or engaged with these.
4. Identify and discuss the many contributions American Indians have made to other peoples of the world.

Content outline

  • Academic colonialism in Native American studies, who gets to speak for whom?
  • Colonialism, broken treaties, and policies of assimilation
  • Struggles of resistance
  • Questions of representation (topics could include, media, movies, literature, sports)
  • Exploring the diversity of Indigenous Identities (topics could include language, religion, gender and sexuality, foodways, social and political organization)

Required materials

This course will require a textbook and/or readings.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Social Science
  • Cultural Literacy

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