FIRE 210 : FI-210 Wildfire Origin/Cause

Transcript title

FI-210 Wildfire Origin/Cause



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



Department approval.

Course Description

Provides a knowledge and skill base for the wildland fire origin and cause determination investigator (INVF). Trains an INVF to perform at an acceptable level on a national basis without regard to geographic boundaries. This course is an NWCG certified course and NWCG recommends students have law enforcement or firefighter experience with wildland fire investigation responsibilities.

Course learning outcomes

1. The following learning outcomes are those of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG).
2. Perform the common roles and responsibilities of an INVF involved in an initial investigation environment.
3. Practice wildland fire investigation methods, evidence collection and documentation processes in a realistic environment.
4. Identify the laws, regulations and related court procedures associated with administrative, civil and criminal litigation processes.
5. Describe the fundamentals of investigation.
6. Apply the elements of professional code of ethics.

Content outline

  1. Introduction and Certification
  2. Professional Standards for Wildland Fire Investigators
  3. Fire Behavior and Burn Pattern Indicators
  4. Fire Scene Evidence
  5. Fire Investigation Methodology
  6. Witness Interviewing
  7. Ignition Factors
  8. Arson Recognition
  9. Court Preparation and Testimony

Required materials

All materials are provided to the student.

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