FIRE 230 : S-230 Crew Boss

Transcript title

S-230 Crew Boss



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours



FIRE 131 and FIRE 290.

Course Description

Trains students in the performance of duties associated with the single resource boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include: operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, offline duties, demobilization and post incident responsibilities. This is an NWCG certified course. Students are required to be qualified as firefighter type 1 (FFT1) and have successful completion of S-290.

Course learning outcomes

1. The following learning outcomes are those of the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG).
2. Describe crew boss responsibilities prior to and during mobilization, on the incident, and during demobilization.
3. Identify the hazards and risks on various incidents and describe how to mitigate them.
4. Describe tactics which are appropriate to various wildland fire situations and procedures to implement them through the chain of command.

Content outline

  1. Introduction
  2. Operational Leadership
  3. Mobilization
  4. Arrival at the Incident
  5. Fireline Operations
  6. Sand Table Exercises
  7. Risk Management
  8. Entrapment Avoidance
  9. Safety and Tactics
  10. Off Line Duties
  11. Demobilization and Post Incident Responsibilities

Required materials

All materials are provided to the student.

Outside of

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