FOR 210 : Wildland Fire Science II

Transcript title

Wildland Fire Science II



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Course Description

A study of hazardous fuel management and treatment practices. Incorporates current fuel measurement and analysis techniques, fire behavior prediction models and hazardous wildland fuel mitigation methods.

Course learning outcomes

1. Understand major events that shaped current US fuel and fire management policy.
2. Identify large fire events in Central Oregon and discuss vegetation treatment options that would mitigate future fire behavior.
3. Understand and be able to discuss BD/KV laws, the NFP, prescribed fire policy, Healthy Forest initiative, and the Healthy Forest Restoration Act and stewardship program.
4. Measure and calculate surface fuel loading utilizing planar intersect sampling method.
5. Identify the fire behavior fuel models and use photo series to predict fuel load.
6. Use fuel and fire behavior models to predict fire behavior based on treatment options.
7. Discuss Central Oregon fire ecology both past and present fire regime condition class and historic fire regimes.
8. Develop a prescribed fire plan.
9. Apply weather information and remote weather sensing information to prescribed fire project development.
10. Apply the following to project development: interdisciplinary team process, the National Environmental Policy Act, a decision notice, finding of no significant impact notice, and forest standards and guides.
11. Write a fuel treatment plan and a prescribed fire plan and conduct an operation briefing.

Outside of

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