FOR 236 : Aerial Photo

Transcript title

Aerial Photo



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Recommended preparation

MTH 102 or a course from the foundational requirements math list and FOR 230B.

Course Description

Covers practical use of aerial photographs including photo interpretation, navigation, scale, area and distance determination, corner search, basic type-mapping and GPS application. Second course in the sequence of FOR 235, FOR 236, and FOR 237.

Course learning outcomes

1. Determine the average representative fraction of a vertical air photo.
2. Demonstrate the mathematical relationships between lens focal length, camera altitude, ground elevation, photo distance, ground distance, representative fraction, and photo scale reciprocal.
3. Describe the characteristics of black and white, color, and infrared images using film and digital photography using spectral bands.
4. Explain aerial photo flight planning.
5. Determine the azimuth of air photo baselines and use to determine azimuths of flight lines and other lines on air photos.
6. Navigate using air photos.
7. Interpret features and land use patterns using air photos.
8. Utilize the vocabulary of air photo interpretation and photogrammetry.

Content outline

  • Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Care and preparation of photo images
  • Stereo Vision
  • Basic photogrammetry
  • Photo scale
  • Cameras, lenses, film, and sensor plates
  • Photo interpretation and interpretation elements
  • Timber type mapping with insect and disease detection
  • Tools for measurements
  • Remote sensing spectral bands
  • Air photo mission planning
  • Height and depth measurements

Required materials

Magnifying glass, straight pins, ultrafine point marker, calculator, Rite in the Rain field book, boots, and field clothes.

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