FOR 240B : Wildlife Ecology

Transcript title

Wildlife Ecology



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Recommended preparation

FOR 240A.

Course Description

Explores wildlife ecology and biodiversity in context of forest and range management. Focuses on relationship between wildlife and forest and range ecosystems, and examines the role of forest and range management in wildlife habitat management.

Course learning outcomes

1. Understand biodiversity and its importance to sustainable resource use.
2. Recognize major groupings of mammals and birds and their ecological significance.
3. Conduct surveys for wildlife of special interest using established protocols.
4. Explain the importance of rangeland, riparian, and forested habitats to wildlife and fish.
5. Ability to survey and evaluate critical habitat features.

Content outline

  • Biological diversity
  • Basic wildlife ecology
  • Rangelands habitats
  • Riparian ecology
  • Forests as wildlife habitats
  • Special habitat features
  • Species of special interest: Large mammals
  • Species of special interest: Anadramous fish
  • Species of special interest: Late-seral species, silviculture for late seral species

Required materials

Requires textbook, see syllabus for details.

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