FOR 251 : Recreational Resource Management

Transcript title

Recreational Resource Mgt.



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Lab hours


Course Description

Overview of recreational resource management including study of land and water resources used for outdoor recreation. Includes planning and management of natural and cultural resources for long-term resource productivity.

Course learning outcomes

1. Discuss federal and state responsibilities for fisheries and wildlife management.
2. Explain the development of wildlife management as a discipline in the United States.
3. Discuss basic needs of wildlife, including food, water, cover and space.
4. Be able to distinguish between home range, territory, migration, and dispersal with respect to wildlife.
5. Understand basic wildlife population dynamics and terminology.
6. Analyze and apply basic harvest management strategies for fish and wildlife.
7. Analyze impacts of non-native species (plant and animal) on native wildlife and habitat.
8. Apply the concept of ecological succession and the effect of forest management on succession and wildlife habitat.
9. Evaluate and discuss current case examples of wildlife and their interactions with humans and human activities (white-tailed deer in the Eastern United States and wolves in Oregon).
10. Effectively connect human dimension aspects with ecological principles when evaluating natural resource concerns.
11. Synthesize and evaluate a body of professional literature to produce a research manuscript adhering to publication guidelines for submission to a professional journal.

Content outline

  • Foundations and Historical Context of Recreation
  • Trends and Recreation Legislation
  • Land and Water Resources for Outdoor Recreation
  • Recreation Resources and Providers
  • Public Sector Providers of Recreation
  • Private and Non-Profit Providers of Recreation
  • Managing Recreation Opportunities
  • Policy, Management and Admin. of Recreation
  • Intro to the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum (ROS)
  • Systems of Recreation Management
  • Science-Based Management of Recreation Resources (ABM, EBM, BBM, VRM, ROS)
  • Recreation Planning and Education
  • Managing Recreation Opportunities
  • Recreation Impacts, Conflicts and Issues
  • Influencing and Managing Visitor Behavior
  • Beneficial Outcomes Approach to Leisure (BOAL)
  • Collaboration, Partnerships and Citizen Involvement
  • Economics of Recreation
  • Current Issues in Recreation

Required materials

Requires textbook, see syllabus for details.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Science not Lab

Outside of

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