FW 257 : Hunting in Modern Society

Transcript title

Hunting in Modern Society



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Examines the role of recreational hunting in modern society, including its history and development, the use of harvests as a conservation and management tool, and varying ethical perspectives on recreational hunting. Focuses on recreational hunting as a social, biological, and conservation activity, and compares the North American model of wildlife conservation with management and conservation models for wildlife in other countries and cultures.

Course learning outcomes

1. Describe the history of humans and hunting as a survival necessity and recreational activity.
2. Explain the use of recreational (non-essential) hunting for ecological management.
3. Describe different methods of take involved in modern hunting.
4. List and explain the guiding principles of the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and explain how it differs from other models of wildlife conservation.
5. Explain hunting in the context of sustainable food production, wildlife conservation, social and cultural views of wildlife and wildlife-based recreation.
6. Analyze the ethics of various forms of hunting.

Content outline

  • Course Introduction
  • Humans as hunters/Origins of recreational hunting
  • Basic wildlife biology
  • Biology and harvestable surplus
  • Evolution of North American wildlife conservation
  • Wildlife Conservation, management, and ethics
  • Other models of wildlife conservation
  • Wild game as food
  • Methods of take
  • The concept of trophy hunting
  • Hunting and record keeping
  • Fishing: The other form of hunting
  • Funding Wildlife Conservation
  • Why we hunt

Required materials


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