G 169 : Field Geology: Exploration of the Pacific Northwest

Transcript title

Field Geo: Exploration of PNW



Grading mode

Pass/No Pass grades

Total contact hours


Lab hours


Course Description

Explores locations of geologic interest throughout the Pacific Northwest. Meets for a multi-day overnight field trip to a selected location within a day’s drive. Appropriate for non-majors. Repeatable for credit. P/NP grading.

Course learning outcomes

1. Identify geologic features such as rocks and landforms.\\n
2. Interpret the formation of geologic features.

Content outline

  • Geology of Cascadia
  • Field observation skills
  • Geology of field site

Required materials

Participants will be camping and hiking. If gear, such as tents, sleeping bags, hiking shoes, etc. are needed by participant, please contact instructor for assistance.

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