HD 110 : Career Planning

Transcript title

Career Planning



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Provides tools and resources for making informed career decisions. Covers assessing skills, values, interests, personality, barriers, lifestyle, education and approaches to decision making. Covers how to research career information. Includes educational decision-making in determining a field or program of study, and college or training program.

Course learning outcomes

1. Name their current interests, skills, values, and personality preferences and how to assess them during career change.
2. Explain the lifelong process of career planning in terms of economic concerns, self-fulfillment, personal values, and recreational outlets.
3. Assess the findings of career assessment tools and connect them to current Labor Market Information (LMI)
4. Merge personal knowledge of self (skills, interests, values, personality preferences) with resources to plan career and academic direction effectively.

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