HHPA 107 : Backcountry Snow Riding

Transcript title

Backcountry Snow Riding



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Introduces the basic concepts of backcountry snow touring, including travel on skis or splitboards. Focuses on elements of planning a tour and conducting effective travel across varied terrain. Repeatable for credit.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.
2. Outline and utilize appropriate gear selection for backcountry snow riding.
3. Execute effective touring strategies and methods for backcountry snow riding.
4. Integrate various methods of rescue and emergency response in the backcountry.

Content outline

  1. Overview of gear necessary for backcountry snow riding.
  2. Introduce and experience touring methods, including skinning, transitions, and downhill travel.
  3. Present Avalanche awareness with a major focus on rescue.
  4. Establish an effective practice of planning backcountry tours.

Required materials

Appropriate equipment will be highlighted and discussed in the first class.

Students will be provided avalanche safety equipment. All other equipment (including skis/splitboard, clothing, etc.) must be provided by the student.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

Outside of

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