HHPA 140 : Basketball

Transcript title




Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

This activity class teaches all the fundamental skills and rules of basketball to all levels of basketball players. There will be an emphasis on team play.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.
2. Engage in a fitness program that includes stretching, cardio, individual goals, and aspirations for lifelong health and wellness.
3. Demonstrate basic fundamental basketball skills (i.e., shot balance, rip-through, footwork, court spacing).
4. Implement safety practices and rules of the basketball.

Content outline

  • Lay-up and passing skills, handling skills, rebounding skills
  • Shooting skills
  • Conditioning skills
  • Skill-building games
  • Full-court games

Required materials

Appropriate equipment will be highlighted and discussed in the first class. Equipment must be provided by the student.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

Outside of

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