HHPA 141 : Golf

Transcript title




Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Held at local golf courses and is taught by local professional golf instructors. Instruction of basic golf skills to all levels of golf players. Golf clubs may be available for use in class (contact the department for more information).

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.
2. Engage regularly in skill development, safety practices and fundamentals of golf to develop overall physical well-being and enhancement of personal lifestyle.
3. Demonstrate basic golf skills such as selecting the proper club, teeing off, basic golf swing, chipping, and putting.
4. Demonstrate proper form for various golf skills.
5. Explain the rules and etiquette of golf.

Content outline

  • Golf Overview
  • Putting Course Competition
  • Putting and Chipping Fundamentals
  • Pre-Swing Fundamentals and Full Swing Intro
  • Proper Club and Body Positioning in the Swing, Etiquette and Rules

Required materials

Appropriate equipment will be highlighted and discussed in the first class. Students should bring their own golf clubs if they have them and if not, the golf course has a limited number of golf clubs that students may use during the class.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

Outside of

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