HHPA 146 : Tennis I

Transcript title

Tennis I



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Focuses on skill development for beginning tennis players. Students will learn through various drills and court games.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.
2. Engage regularly in skill development, safety practices, and fundamentals of tennis to develop overall physical fitness and enhance sport activities.
3. Develop perspective in the fundamental concepts of tennis: rules, the court, equipment needed, scoring and tennis etiquette.
4. Summarize the basic skills of singles and doubles tennis play.

Content outline

  • Intro to Tennis I
  • Grips/Rally drills
  • Serves/Placement of return of serves
  • Round Robin Play w/ strategy
  • Volley Drills
  • Poaching drills
  • Lob and Overhead Drills
  • Down the Line/Cross court drills
  • Skills Testing
  • Tournaments

Required materials

Appropriate equipment will be highlighted and discussed in the first class. Equipment must be provided by the student.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

Outside of

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