HHPA 176 : Masters Swimming

Transcript title

Masters Swimming



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Other hours


Course Description

Designed to strengthen swimming stroke skills to the advanced level. Introduces advanced concepts of fitness swimming. Prepares students for a lifetime of participation in swimming and racing if desired. Students will attend organized masters swim team practices. Previous swimming experience expected.

Course learning outcomes

1. Explain the relationship between human behavior and health.
2. Engage regularly in skills development, safety practices, and fundamentals of swimming to develop overall physical fitness and enhance sport activities.
3. Enhance and maintain competitive swimming skills in preparation for competitive swims in pool swim meets or open water.
4. Improve on learned swimming skills and introduce advanced skills used in training to use as a lifelong skill and exercise activity.

Content outline

  • Intro to master swimming and assessment
  • Front crawl stroke
  • Back crawl stroke
  • Butterfly stroke
  • Swimming pool lengths
  • Intro to front and back and turns
  • Diving

Required materials

Appropriate equipment will be highlighted and discussed in the first class. Equipment must be provided by the student.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Health

Outside of

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