HIM 201 : Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Care

Transcript title

Legal Aspects of Health Care



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Other hours



Instructor approval.

Course Description

Provides a medico-legal foundation with respect to laws and regulations affecting the health care industry. Special emphasis is placed on HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act). Topics include: general law and ethics, bioethics, hospital and physician liability, medical staff bylaws, consents, and release of protected health information.

Course learning outcomes

1. Analyze hospital and physician liability and medical staff bylaws.
2. Identify and interpret issues and challenges in ethics and bioethics in the healthcare industry.
3. Analyze legal and ethical issues central to health information management.
4. Examine Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) titles, specifically the administrative simplification components.
5. Analyze medico-legal issues related to information systems used in health care.
6. Identify major laws addressing healthcare fraud and abuse and specialized areas of concern in HIM.

Content outline

  1. Study of general law
  2. Hospital and physician liability and medical staff bylaws
  3. Ethics and bioethics in healthcare
  4. Legal and ethical issues central to health information management
  5. Health Insurance Portability and Accessibility Act (HIPAA) titles, specifically the administrative simplification components
  6. Legal issues present in information technology
  7. Healthcare fraud and abuse
  8. Specialized areas of concern in HIM
  9. Law and ethics in the workplace

Required materials

Required textbook. Computer and reliable internet access. Portable storage device (ie. usb drive).

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