HM 160 : Wine and Specialty Beverage Management and Service

Transcript title

Wine Beverage Management



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Explores organization of a beverage program within the operation of a hospitality business. Introduces the world of wine and beverage including beer and distilled beverages. Emphasizes major wine regions, varietals, viticulture, the winemaking process, and food and wine pairings.

Course learning outcomes

1. Discuss the origin and unique characteristics of major grape varietals.
2. Identify wine and food pairing strategies on a menu.
3. Demonstrate wine opening and beverage service techniques.
4. Explain the variables needed to arrange and compile an effective wine and beverage menu.
5. Discuss how environmental and geographical factors impact wine styles.
6. Explain the basic principles of wine, beer, and distilled beverage production.

Content outline

  • Grape agricultural practices (viticulture)
  • Wine storage
  • Wine styles
  • Unique wine attributes
  • Grape variety identification
  • Food and wine pairing
  • Wine opening and service techniques
  • Wine tasting method
  • Wine production
  • Wine label identification

Required materials

Requires a uniform and textbook available at the COCC Bookstore.

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