HST 201 : Early America - History of the United States (pre-history to 1820)

Transcript title

Early America



Grading mode

Standard letter grades

Total contact hours


Lecture hours


Course Description

Provides an overview of the civilizations of North America and the United States from pre-history to the early 19th century, covering the colonial, revolutionary, and early national periods. Topics include Native American societies, the migration of Europeans and Africans and the impact on native populations, regional Protestant cultures, the emergence of racial slavery, the political origins and constitutional consequences of the American Revolution, politics, culture and war in the first few decades of existence for the United States. Need not be taken in sequence.

Course learning outcomes

1. Interpret the relationship between the past and the present, which takes into account social, cultural, political, and religious perspectives of early America.
2. Analyze primary historical evidence from early America.
3. Identify historical arguments found in secondary sources regarding early and colonial America.
4. Construct an historical argument in a written essay.
5. Challenge shared assumptions and cultural stereotypes through discussion, written and oral means.
6. Identify the chronology of events and construct a narrative about some aspect of the early American period.
7. Identify geographical context of early American historical events.

General education/Related instruction lists

  • Social Science
  • Cultural Literacy

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